Empowering Educators with15-Seconds of Mindfulness

Learn how to bring simple, smart mindful practices to reduce school stress

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Teaching your children how to self-soothe

Learn how to help children reset their feelings – to move from chaos to calm

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Helping teens with stress and addiciton to technology

If your kids are addicted to their tech or you have big behaviour struggles around phones and gaming … some support is on its way!

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Helping kids manage their behaviour

Managing the big emotions with meditation

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Helping teens regulate big emotions with mindfulness

How we can help kids (and teens) express big feelings, more mindfully.

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Mental Health Awareness month

As it is mental health awareness month…How to identify when a child is feeling stress? When children are not able to adapt and cope with stress, they may respond in several ways.

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stressed children returning to school after lockdown – parent tips

Some fantastic resources for you to use if you have children who are anxious about returning to school.

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