Adverse Childhood Experiences and Meditation

Explore how mindfulness helps children with trauma, and their carers

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Mindful Skills to Overcome Bullying

Helping Kids Deal with Bullying: Simple Tips

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Nurturing Children’s Health with Forest Bathing

4 easy ways to practise forest bathing with young people

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Helping kids manage their behaviour

Managing the big emotions with meditation

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Mindful Tips for Trauma Informed Parenting

Lorraine E Murray, founder of Connected Kids hosts an Interview with Suzanne Scott, founder of the charity Trauma Informed Parenting Scotland What is trauma informed parenting? What difference does it make to a young person if their parent is trauma informed What difference does it make to the parent if they can be trauma informed […]

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High energy children – trying to teach them meditation

Expert advice about high energy children and mindful meditation Listen to the founder of Connected Kids present a few ideas when trying to teach high energy children meditation and mindfulness. Want to know more? Foundation course – to teach your kids and teens mindful meditation Professional Training – to become a verified Kids Meditation Teacher […]

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Mindful Parenting Tips

I often see parents and other adults in a child’s life hooked into their phone…

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