How meditation and mindfulness can help children with autism

Why a simply, mindful approach can bring calm to an autistic, young person

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stressed children returning to school after lockdown – parent tips

Some fantastic resources for you to use if you have children who are anxious about returning to school.

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Insights from Dr Temple Grandin – a pioneer of autism education

Insights and ideas – helping kids on the spectrum learn mindful skills.

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Can children with Autism or ADHD learn meditation?

In my experience of teaching meditation (sometimes called mindfulness) I’ve noticed over the years how it’s become a popular way to help adults and children reduce the symptoms of stress and support a healthier lifestyle. From teaching, I already knew how effective meditation was for kids, but I asked myself “could children, with additional support […]

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Toolkit for teaching mindful activities – kids on the autistic spectrum

Creating a space to teach mindfulness to kids with autism  We were asked a question about the types of tools people could use if they wanted to teach their kids (who are on the autistic spectrum) how to feel calmer and less stressed using mindful activities.   Expert advice We write about this subject all the […]

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