Mindful swearing

Perhaps those two words ‘mindful’ and ‘swearing’ are not ones you expect to see in the same sentence.

But I’m realistic in my approach to meditation and how we teach it to kids and teens.

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Helping teens regulate big emotions with mindfulness

How we can help kids (and teens) express big feelings, more mindfully.

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Mindful Parenting Tips

I often see parents and other adults in a child’s life hooked into their phone…

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Child Genius – academically bright but emotionally inept?

Emotional vs Academic Intelligence The other week we caught the end of the TV show ‘Child Genius’ – where children with (usually) a high score on Mensa take part in a quiz to become the Child Genius for that year. These kids demonstrate an amazing array of skills – from their ability to remember facts […]

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Useful resources for teaching kids meditation

So as you can imagine, I live and breathe anything to do with teaching kids meditation, children’s mental health and (teen’s) wellbeing. As a result, I collect a lot of information on this. If you are on our Facebook page, Twitter or Calm Kids group on FB, then you’ll know that we have become a […]

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Teaching High School Kids how to meditate

One of our level 3 trainers told me that she’ld been into a couple of high schools recently to teach young people meditation. The way she described the experience was so interesting, I invited her to write about it (and her journey so far) – and she obliged! Thanks to Heather Mackenzie (who teaches in […]

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facebook reaches 10,000 likes!

I started up our facebook page ‘Teach Children Meditation Campaign’ to bring this subject to people’s attention and gather support. Never in my wildest dreams did I think that in just over a year we would have over 10,000 people liking our page. I am totally humbled by this wealth of support – thank you […]

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