Beat summer boredum – with meditation!

  Mindfulness and the holidays The summer holidays can be a long time to spend with your kids. You love them but your whole routine can change and even though holidays are meant to be enjoyable, they can be stressful too! So here are some tips and ideas to help you keep up your meditation […]

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Children with ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) and sleep issues

(Guest blog written by one of our Connected Kids Level 1 Students from Denmark…) Many children with ADHD have difficulty falling asleep at night, and parents of children with ADHD often see that their children rarely seem to be rested when it is time to go to school. When children go to school or kindergarten […]

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5 Ways Mindfulness Creates Resilience in Children

  At the moment the world is quite a turbulent place.  If we think our children are too innocent or immune to the stories coming out in the media each day – think again. Every time we listen to the news on the radio, watch it on TV or surf social media and the internet […]

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How to top up your ‘compassion’ tank

  Is your compassion tank feeling a bit depleted? If you really want to teach kids (yours or others) how to practise meditation but your self-compassion tank is a bit empty, then it’s time to refuel! Enjoy our blog on 4 simple self-compassion tips on how to do this!   Training Courses in Teaching Meditation […]

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Helping kids manage behaviour with meditation and yoga

Yoga and Mindful Activities for Anger in Kids We are delighted to share some words of wisdom written by one of our Connected Kids Tutors, Yvonne Payne. Yvonne has been working with children using mindful activities and yoga to help them focus and manage strong emotions such as anger. Yvonne had been telling us about 2 different […]

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Child Genius – academically bright but emotionally inept?

Emotional vs Academic Intelligence The other week we caught the end of the TV show ‘Child Genius’ – where children with (usually) a high score on Mensa take part in a quiz to become the Child Genius for that year. These kids demonstrate an amazing array of skills – from their ability to remember facts […]

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Meditation to help you see the best in your kids and teens

Negativity Bias and Mindfulness It means that our brain and body constantly scan the environment for threats. If we detect a threat, we manage it as it activates our stress response (fight/flight/freeze) – which is designed to keep us alive. What it means is that we are hardwired (neurologically speaking) to seek out the negative in […]

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Is technology disconnecting our kids?

  In society we want things easy. Maybe it’s a combination of technology, lifestyle and the way our brains are developing.  Reading the book ‘Mind Change‘ has been fascinating as I learn I am a ‘digital immigrant’.  That means I have been introduced to blogs, emails and the tech stuff  later in my lifetime. According […]

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Mandala meditations for kids

I love mandalas. They are one of the most effective ways to teach children mindfulness skills while they meditate. The idea behind mandalas in Buddhist practices is to create the mandala out of coloured sand while paying attention to thoughts, body, breath and emotions.  Then when complete,  the mandalas are released to symbolise impermanence and non-attachment. However […]

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Changing Education with Meditation and Mindfulness

I’m looking to change the education system in order that kids benefit from meditation – every day. The very fact you are reading this blog suggests that you are interested in… a/teaching your children meditation b/teaching other people’s children meditation … and you want this world to be a better place for children in the future when we […]

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