Teaching Meditation to Teens or Kids is a Journey of Trust

So last week I was on holiday.  This was no ordinary holiday – this was a skiing holiday. First of all wasn’t sure why I was there.  I had never had a desire to ski and skiing holidays are quite expensive. But life is short and I thought ‘why not’?  Little did I know how […]

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Why I care about your child’s happiness

I wasn’t sure what to write about in my recent blog. I get a bit tired of emails  or blogs all sounding the same and a bit ‘salesy’. But that’s not me. So I decided to let you know why I feel responsible for your child’s happiness.  Every time I read about the stress young people […]

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Good intentions about teaching meditation to your kids

I had good intentions… I wanted to write an post about perception and how we what we see and perceive is what we experience.  It’s how our brain works and how it helps us interpret life. If our brain is wired differently then it can be challenging to respond to life in the way we […]

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Meditation for Adversity

When we are struggling with adversity – personally or because of difficult events in the world, it is difficult to sit with an open, compassionate heart. I recorded this meditation after the events in Paris in November 2015.  However listen to it whenever you feel you need that extra support. You will need some awareness […]

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Useful ideas to help kids with ADHD

  ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) is a condition very close to my heart as I see kids who benefit from learning easy, simple mindful activities that help them out of their stressed state. They enter that state very easily as they basically live there.  It’s not an easy existence and while I don’t think […]

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Top tips for teaching children meditation

This was an online interview I gave recently which has lots of useful tips you may wish to try? Learn how to teach kids meditation (online course) Calm Kids book >>> Connected Kids book (special needs) >>> Connected kids courses worldwide >>>  

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Useful resources for teaching kids meditation

So as you can imagine, I live and breathe anything to do with teaching kids meditation, children’s mental health and (teen’s) wellbeing. As a result, I collect a lot of information on this. If you are on our Facebook page, Twitter or Calm Kids group on FB, then you’ll know that we have become a […]

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Helping Kids and Teens connect to emotions through mindfulness

One of the issues that we face as children (and all the way through life) is recognising what we feel, when we feel it. I have been practising meditation for years, yet just the other day I felt really flat and couldn’t name my feeling. It was so frustrating and disorientating. I went for a […]

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Thanksgiving Meditation – Gratitude for Kids and Teens – tips

As today is thanksgiving day in the USA (where we teach some of our courses) I thought it would be useful to bring some ideas and tips on how to combine this with meditation techniques for kids and teens.

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