Forest of Candy Meditations for kids

Meet one of our Connected Kids Trainers, Alice Chinn, from Scotland but who speaks fluent Spanish sharing tips about teaching meditation to kids and teens, and how she helps adults do this too.

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Mindful skills for kids with anger and panic attacks

  We interviewed one of our wonderful trainers, Tara Russo, about bringing her educator experience in teaching into the world of teaching children meditation.  Tara is one of our trainers on the  Connected Kids programme. She talks about how it helped her daughter who had panic attacks with anxiety, and children in school with anger […]

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Mindfulness to help kids and teens with big emotions

  A useful (mindful) tool to help kids and teens with difficult emotions   Use this link to download your copy of the Wheel of Emotions mentioned in the video. If you want to become a kids/teens meditation teacher Professional Training – to become a certified Kids Meditation Teacher   Teach Children Meditation Books – […]

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Jim and the Universe

are a perfect read to help introduce mindful awareness in a fictional way for kids who have big changes/struggles

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Star Meditation for kids of all ages – free

I was meditating one day and I was inspired by this star meditation idea to help kids relax, reduce anxiety and feel a stronger, peaceful connection with the world. It may be ideal for bed time or to help kids simply relax.  It may help with bullying too.

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5 Ways Mindfulness Creates Resilience in Children

  At the moment the world is quite a turbulent place.  If we think our children are too innocent or immune to the stories coming out in the media each day – think again. Every time we listen to the news on the radio, watch it on TV or surf social media and the internet […]

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Helping kids manage behaviour with meditation and yoga

Yoga and Mindful Activities for Anger in Kids We are delighted to share some words of wisdom written by one of our Connected Kids Tutors, Yvonne Payne. Yvonne has been working with children using mindful activities and yoga to help them focus and manage strong emotions such as anger. Yvonne had been telling us about 2 different […]

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‘The Whole-Brain Child’ – book review

Book Review – ‘the Whole-Brain Child – Dr Dan Siegel’ Enjoy my review of this fabulous book about child development; how to help them process difficult feelings and thoughts.  Learn why I think it offers some practical tips on how to cope with difficult behaviours.

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Child Genius – academically bright but emotionally inept?

Emotional vs Academic Intelligence The other week we caught the end of the TV show ‘Child Genius’ – where children with (usually) a high score on Mensa take part in a quiz to become the Child Genius for that year. These kids demonstrate an amazing array of skills – from their ability to remember facts […]

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How to help Kids in Canada thrive – with meditation and mindfulness

  Are Kids in Canada Coping with Stress? I’m writing this post with a focus on Canada.  Why?  Because I’ll be going there to teach in September and I wanted to find out more about how Canadian Kids could benefit from meditation. What I find fascinating is that many of the issues facing young people in […]

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