Mindful swearing

Perhaps those two words ‘mindful’ and ‘swearing’ are not ones you expect to see in the same sentence.

But I’m realistic in my approach to meditation and how we teach it to kids and teens.

Helping teens regulate big emotions with mindfulness

How we can help kids (and teens) express big feelings, more mindfully.

” Covid pandemic has caused children as old as eight to throw tantrums normally seen in ‘terrible twos'”

how children are struggling with the stress of lockdown and how meditation skills can help their mental health

Mental Health Awareness month

school transitions - boy hugging dad - mental health awareness month

As it is mental health awareness month…How to identify when a child is feeling stress? When children are not able to adapt and cope with stress, they may respond in several ways.

Forest of Candy Meditations for kids

Meet one of our Connected Kids Trainers, Alice Chinn, from Scotland but who speaks fluent Spanish sharing tips about teaching meditation to kids and teens, and how she helps adults do this too.

stressed children returning to school after lockdown – parent tips

Some fantastic resources for you to use if you have children who are anxious about returning to school.