tech and social media addiction in kids – can meditation help?

You are probably reading this article on your mobile phone or computer – perhaps a friend shared it through social media or you did a google search for ‘teach children meditation’. The irony is that we use social media and tech in our lives so much that we don’t notice how much it may be […]

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4 Reasons why your kids might not want to learn meditation

Reducing your kid’s resistance to meditation

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Jim and the Universe

are a perfect read to help introduce mindful awareness in a fictional way for kids who have big changes/struggles

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Star Meditation for kids of all ages – free

I was meditating one day and I was inspired by this star meditation idea to help kids relax, reduce anxiety and feel a stronger, peaceful connection with the world. It may be ideal for bed time or to help kids simply relax.  It may help with bullying too.

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Online Talks Jan & Feb 2019

    Helping children sleep with meditation We’ve just announced our next online talk taking place on Monday 11th February at 8pm (live and recorded).  Lorraine Murray, founder and author of Connected Kids, will give tips and ideas to use meditation to help kids sleep (and get up for school!) There are limited places. Mindfulness […]

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Meditation idea for toddlers

  A simple meditation idea to teach 5-year old kids (inspired by my Goddaughter – Libby!)   How to teach kids of all ages how to meditate If you would like to learn how to create your very own meditations for kids/teens try our Connected Kids level 1 course – online or in-class) (This is the gateway […]

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Mindful Parenting Tips

I often see parents and other adults in a child’s life hooked into their phone…

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Beat summer boredum – with meditation!

  Mindfulness and the holidays The summer holidays can be a long time to spend with your kids. You love them but your whole routine can change and even though holidays are meant to be enjoyable, they can be stressful too! So here are some tips and ideas to help you keep up your meditation […]

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How to top up your ‘compassion’ tank

  Is your compassion tank feeling a bit depleted? If you really want to teach kids (yours or others) how to practise meditation but your self-compassion tank is a bit empty, then it’s time to refuel! Enjoy our blog on 4 simple self-compassion tips on how to do this!   Training Courses in Teaching Meditation […]

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