Forest of Candy Meditations for kids

Meet one of our Connected Kids Trainers, Alice Chinn, from Scotland but who speaks fluent Spanish sharing tips about teaching meditation to kids and teens, and how she helps adults do this too.

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Mindful skills for kids with anger and panic attacks

  We interviewed one of our wonderful trainers, Tara Russo, about bringing her educator experience in teaching into the world of teaching children meditation.  Tara is one of our trainers on the  Connected Kids programme. She talks about how it helped her daughter who had panic attacks with anxiety, and children in school with anger […]

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Christmas Meditation for Kids to Teens

One of our trainers, Tara , created this simple yet effective breath meditation that we can practice to keep our stress levels in check.  It helps kids who need a visual to understand what we mean by using our breath. You can follow it with them and guide them to do to. Simply use each […]

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Mindfulness to help kids and teens with big emotions

  A useful (mindful) tool to help kids and teens with difficult emotions   Use this link to download your copy of the Wheel of Emotions mentioned in the video. If you want to become a kids/teens meditation teacher Professional Training – to become a certified Kids Meditation Teacher   Teach Children Meditation Books – […]

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Christmas Meditation for kids 2019

Just tried this with my 12 year old foster son and my husband!  Both enjoyed it. Happy Christmas! Lorraine x     If you want to teach your kids meditation…. Take the Foundation course – to teach your kids and teens mindful meditation Professional Training – to become a certified Kids Meditation Teacher   Teach […]

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Mindful Back-to-School Tips for Kids of All Ages

Some mindful tips to help children return to school with less stress

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Star Meditation for kids of all ages – free

I was meditating one day and I was inspired by this star meditation idea to help kids relax, reduce anxiety and feel a stronger, peaceful connection with the world. It may be ideal for bed time or to help kids simply relax.  It may help with bullying too.

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How does ‘grounding’ reduce kids’ anxiety?

2 Easy ways to help kids ground their energy What does it mean if we feel ‘ungrounded’? This is a question I ask my Connected Kids students when they are learning to teach kids meditation. It is one of the simplest ways to remedy our energy yet we often don’t notice what ‘being ungrounded’ is […]

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