A Mindful Summer Calendar for you and your family

A free mindful summer calendar – helping you and your family reduce stress on holiday!

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Insights from Dr Temple Grandin – a pioneer of autism education

Insights and ideas – helping kids on the spectrum learn mindful skills.

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COVID-19 anxiety and teaching kids meditation

Lorraine E Murray, founder of Connected Kids, explains what will change for anyone interested in learning to teach kids or teens meditation on the Connected Kids Programme.   Please note that details about face to face training will be published by late July 2020.  *These protocols relate to training offered directly by Lorraine E Murray. […]

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Should meditation be compulsory for the school curriculum?

Today I was browsing social media and read the headline ‘should meditation be compulsory in our schools?’

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Beat summer boredum – with meditation!

  Mindfulness and the holidays The summer holidays can be a long time to spend with your kids. You love them but your whole routine can change and even though holidays are meant to be enjoyable, they can be stressful too! So here are some tips and ideas to help you keep up your meditation […]

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5 Ways Mindfulness Creates Resilience in Children

  At the moment the world is quite a turbulent place.  If we think our children are too innocent or immune to the stories coming out in the media each day – think again. Every time we listen to the news on the radio, watch it on TV or surf social media and the internet […]

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Helping kids manage behaviour with meditation and yoga

Yoga and Mindful Activities for Anger in Kids We are delighted to share some words of wisdom written by one of our Connected Kids Tutors, Yvonne Payne. Yvonne has been working with children using mindful activities and yoga to help them focus and manage strong emotions such as anger. Yvonne had been telling us about 2 different […]

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Teaching Meditation to Teens or Kids is a Journey of Trust

So last week I was on holiday.  This was no ordinary holiday – this was a skiing holiday. First of all wasn’t sure why I was there.  I had never had a desire to ski and skiing holidays are quite expensive. But life is short and I thought ‘why not’?  Little did I know how […]

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Children, stress and mindful meditation

We usually focus on the adults when we talk about stress but research shows that children also experience stress from both external and internal factors. Pressures of technology, computer gaming, exam results, hormonal changes and changes in family settings can initiate the flight or fight response which we refer to as ‘acute stress’. The difference […]

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