We were asked an interesting question….

An engaging, online chat with a life-coach in Italy who wanted to know more about our teaching programme

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tech and social media addiction in kids – can meditation help?

You are probably reading this article on your mobile phone or computer – perhaps a friend shared it through social media or you did a google search for ‘teach children meditation’. The irony is that we use social media and tech in our lives so much that we don’t notice how much it may be […]

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4 Reasons why your kids might not want to learn meditation

Reducing your kid’s resistance to meditation

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Jim and the Universe

are a perfect read to help introduce mindful awareness in a fictional way for kids who have big changes/struggles

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Star Meditation for kids of all ages – free

I was meditating one day and I was inspired by this star meditation idea to help kids relax, reduce anxiety and feel a stronger, peaceful connection with the world. It may be ideal for bed time or to help kids simply relax.  It may help with bullying too.

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New online talk – this month

The 3 things your child needs for mental health – online talk We’ve just announced our next online talk It’s about using meditation and mindfulness to support the 3 things your child needs for mental health development. There are limited places – the talk is live and available as a recording too.    Useful links… […]

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helping kids and teens understand mindfulness

A quick tip to explain meditation to kids or teens Founder of Connected Kids, Lorraine Murray, shares a simple idea to help motivate your kids to try meditation. Learn meditation – for you and your kids If you would like to learn how to create your very own meditations for kids/teens try our Connected Kids level […]

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Meditation and mindfulness for autism and ADHD

I initially had the idea back in 2003 that we should be teaching our kids meditation and mindfulness. Back then… there was very little in the way of resources that people could find to help them teach kids and teens mindful meditation practices. How the landscape has changed (thank goodness!) Today we see meditation and […]

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