Helping kids manage their behaviour

Managing the big emotions with meditation

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” Covid pandemic has caused children as old as eight to throw tantrums normally seen in ‘terrible twos'”

how children are struggling with the stress of lockdown and how meditation skills can help their mental health

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Mindful Back-to-School Tips for Kids of All Ages

Some mindful tips to help children return to school with less stress

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Meditation to help you see the best in your kids and teens

Negativity Bias and Mindfulness It means that our brain and body constantly scan the environment for threats. If we detect a threat, we manage it as it activates our stress response (fight/flight/freeze) – which is designed to keep us alive. What it means is that we are hardwired (neurologically speaking) to seek out the negative in […]

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Using mindfulness to manage toddler tantrums

Toddlers tantrums are difficult to manage as they can often go from 0 to 100 in the space of a few seconds.   This roller coaster of emotion can be difficult to manage at the best of times, never mind if you are a stressed out parent or educator. The idea that toddlers will sit […]

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