Adverse Childhood Experiences and Meditation

How mindfulness helps children with trauma

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Mindful Skills to Overcome Bullying

Helping Kids Deal with Bullying: Simple Tips

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Helping kids manage their behaviour

Managing the big emotions with meditation

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Mindful swearing

Perhaps those two words ‘mindful’ and ‘swearing’ are not ones you expect to see in the same sentence.

But I’m realistic in my approach to meditation and how we teach it to kids and teens.

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Helping teens regulate big emotions with mindfulness

How we can help kids (and teens) express big feelings, more mindfully.

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Mental Health Awareness month

As it is mental health awareness month…How to identify when a child is feeling stress? When children are not able to adapt and cope with stress, they may respond in several ways.

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Mindful skills for kids with anger and panic attacks

  We interviewed one of our wonderful trainers, Tara Russo, about bringing her educator experience in teaching into the world of teaching children meditation.  Tara is one of our trainers on the  Connected Kids programme. She talks about how it helped her daughter who had panic attacks with anxiety, and children in school with anger […]

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Mindful Tips for Trauma Informed Parenting

Lorraine E Murray, founder of Connected Kids hosts an Interview with Suzanne Scott, founder of the charity Trauma Informed Parenting Scotland What is trauma informed parenting? What difference does it make to a young person if their parent is trauma informed What difference does it make to the parent if they can be trauma informed […]

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