Should meditation be compulsory for the school curriculum?

Today I was browsing social media and read the headline ‘should meditation be compulsory in our schools?’

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6 steps to creating a meditation script for kids or teens

Excerpt from Calm Kids This is an excerpt from my book Calm Kids where I teach you the 6 important steps to creating your very own meditations. It is a key part of the level 1 course that I teach online/in class. It can be used to help develop guided meditations or mindful practices.   […]

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Child Genius – academically bright but emotionally inept?

Emotional vs Academic Intelligence The other week we caught the end of the TV show ‘Child Genius’ – where children with (usually) a high score on Mensa take part in a quiz to become the Child Genius for that year. These kids demonstrate an amazing array of skills – from their ability to remember facts […]

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Mandala meditations for kids

I love mandalas. They are one of the most effective ways to teach children mindfulness skills while they meditate. The idea behind mandalas in Buddhist practices is to create the mandala out of coloured sand while paying attention to thoughts, body, breath and emotions.  Then when complete,  the mandalas are released to symbolise impermanence and non-attachment. However […]

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Changing Education with Mindfulness and Meditation

I had an extraordinary trip to the States recently. It seemed to tie in with how I feel (strongly) about teaching kids and young people meditation. I am a passionate advocate for meditation becoming a natural part of the school day. It should be introduced into the school curriculum in the same way that we include […]

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what is a connected kid? teaching meditation and mindfulness

There’s a whole story behind the name ‘connected kids’. Originally we had called our programme after the first book ‘Calm Kids – help children relax with mindful activities‘.    However the name didn’t sit comfortably with me.  I felt a bit ‘icky’ with the idea of adults trying to ‘calm kids’ down.   Meditation isn’t about […]

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Colour Meditation for Kids and Teens – helpful tips

I was recently asked about using the colour meditation script in my Calm Kids book and the significance of the colour that children choose. This video blog should help you understand and give you some useful tips for teaching kids using a colour meditation. My 2nd book Connected Kids – help kids with special needs […]

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Useful resources for teaching kids meditation

So as you can imagine, I live and breathe anything to do with teaching kids meditation, children’s mental health and (teen’s) wellbeing. As a result, I collect a lot of information on this. If you are on our Facebook page, Twitter or Calm Kids group on FB, then you’ll know that we have become a […]

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Helping Kids and Teens connect to emotions through mindfulness

One of the issues that we face as children (and all the way through life) is recognising what we feel, when we feel it. I have been practising meditation for years, yet just the other day I felt really flat and couldn’t name my feeling. It was so frustrating and disorientating. I went for a […]

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The 5 myths of teaching kids meditation…

Enjoy our video blog and articles – full of tips and ideas (from expert, Lorraine Murray), on how to teach kids/teens meditation. Our most recent blog…dispelling some myths about teaching kids or teens meditation [youtube] Learn how to teach kids meditation (online course) Calm Kids book >>> Connected Kids book (special needs) >>> Connected […]

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