So last week I was on holiday. This was no ordinary holiday – this was a skiing holiday. First of all wasn’t sure why I was there. I had never had a desire to ski and skiing holidays are quite expensive. But life is short and I thought ‘why not’? Little did I know how […]
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watch out for mindfulness ‘cowboys’
One of my students Ali Gray, is very passionate about the world learning meditation. He is one of our Connected Kids students and together with his colleague, Gary Young, is pioneering a project to make it part of the school curriculum in Scotland. At a ‘business and mindfulness’ conference, he heard the term ‘mindfulness cowboys‘ and wondered […]
continue readingGood intentions about teaching meditation to your kids
I had good intentions… I wanted to write an post about perception and how we what we see and perceive is what we experience. It’s how our brain works and how it helps us interpret life. If our brain is wired differently then it can be challenging to respond to life in the way we […]
continue readingMeditation for Adversity
When we are struggling with adversity – personally or because of difficult events in the world, it is difficult to sit with an open, compassionate heart. I recorded this meditation after the events in Paris in November 2015. However listen to it whenever you feel you need that extra support. You will need some awareness […]
continue readingChanging Education with Mindfulness and Meditation
I had an extraordinary trip to the States recently. It seemed to tie in with how I feel (strongly) about teaching kids and young people meditation. I am a passionate advocate for meditation becoming a natural part of the school day. It should be introduced into the school curriculum in the same way that we include […]
continue readingwhat is a connected kid? teaching meditation and mindfulness
There’s a whole story behind the name ‘connected kids’. Originally we had called our programme after the first book ‘Calm Kids – help children relax with mindful activities‘. However the name didn’t sit comfortably with me. I felt a bit ‘icky’ with the idea of adults trying to ‘calm kids’ down. Meditation isn’t about […]
continue readingThe real reason why we teach kids/teens meditation
Today I read an article about someone in the States using a derogatory term for the President. This term is an insult to people who have special needs. However a Special Olympics athlete replied to the incident with a response that gave me chills – because it was so compassionate and kind – even in […]
continue readingUseful ideas to help kids with ADHD
ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) is a condition very close to my heart as I see kids who benefit from learning easy, simple mindful activities that help them out of their stressed state. They enter that state very easily as they basically live there. It’s not an easy existence and while I don’t think […]
continue readingThe difference between meditation and mindfulness
In the last 12 months, I’ve witnessed a huge increase in the interest we have in teaching children mindfulness. Compared to how this was 12 years ago when I first had a hunch we should be doing this… well it is simply astounding. I was never formally taught mindfulness. My meditation teacher, the late Kim […]
continue readingColour Meditation for Kids and Teens – helpful tips
I was recently asked about using the colour meditation script in my Calm Kids book and the significance of the colour that children choose. This video blog should help you understand and give you some useful tips for teaching kids using a colour meditation. My 2nd book Connected Kids – help kids with special needs […]
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