what is a connected kid? teaching meditation and mindfulness

There’s a whole story behind the name ‘connected kids’. Originally we had called our programme after the first book ‘Calm Kids – help children relax with mindful activities‘.    However the name didn’t sit comfortably with me.  I felt a bit ‘icky’ with the idea of adults trying to ‘calm kids’ down.   Meditation isn’t about […]

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The real reason why we teach kids/teens meditation

Today I read an article  about someone in the States using a derogatory term for the President.  This term is an insult to people who have special needs.  However a Special Olympics athlete replied to the incident with a response that gave me chills – because it was so compassionate and kind – even in […]

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Useful ideas to help kids with ADHD

  ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) is a condition very close to my heart as I see kids who benefit from learning easy, simple mindful activities that help them out of their stressed state. They enter that state very easily as they basically live there.  It’s not an easy existence and while I don’t think […]

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Teaching mindful meditation to kids with ADHD

For a long time I’ve been banging on about children with ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) moving and fidgeting because they are ungrounded and the movement is their way of trying to rebalance – not intentionally be disruptive. A recent study now shows that kids with ADHD  must move to learn.  At last we are all […]

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Teaching meditation to kids with special needs

I love showing people how to teach kids meditation.  I am constantly amazed at how children and teens respond to mindfulness and mindful activities and it gives me no greater joy to see the delight of the adults who teach them. Often adults are amazed how kids respond.  Perhaps adults think that it must be […]

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Teaching High School Kids how to meditate

One of our level 3 trainers told me that she’ld been into a couple of high schools recently to teach young people meditation. The way she described the experience was so interesting, I invited her to write about it (and her journey so far) – and she obliged! Thanks to Heather Mackenzie (who teaches in […]

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Toddlers to Teens – teaching kids meditation and mindfulness

Someone just emailed me with a great question which I’m sure many people think about. “just curious as to what age you think would be the earliest to teach children meditation/mindfulness and what would be the ideal age to begin?” Michelle

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Children, stress and mindful meditation

We usually focus on the adults when we talk about stress but research shows that children also experience stress from both external and internal factors. Pressures of technology, computer gaming, exam results, hormonal changes and changes in family settings can initiate the flight or fight response which we refer to as ‘acute stress’. The difference […]

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Using mindfulness to manage toddler tantrums

Toddlers tantrums are difficult to manage as they can often go from 0 to 100 in the space of a few seconds.   This roller coaster of emotion can be difficult to manage at the best of times, never mind if you are a stressed out parent or educator. The idea that toddlers will sit […]

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The 5 myths of teaching kids meditation…

Enjoy our video blog and articles – full of tips and ideas (from expert, Lorraine Murray), on how to teach kids/teens meditation. Our most recent blog…dispelling some myths about teaching kids or teens meditation [youtube http://youtu.be/Z0OKYQr7MTw] Learn how to teach kids meditation (online course) Calm Kids book >>> Connected Kids book (special needs) >>> Connected […]

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