The 5 myths of teaching kids meditation…

Enjoy our video blog and articles – full of tips and ideas (from expert, Lorraine Murray), on how to teach kids/teens meditation. Our most recent blog…dispelling some myths about teaching kids or teens meditation [youtube] Learn how to teach kids meditation (online course) Calm Kids book >>> Connected Kids book (special needs) >>> Connected […]

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Helping kids with disruptive behaviour learn meditation

Some quick tips when working with children who have disruptive behaviour. [youtube] Learn how to teach kids meditation (online course) Calm Kids book >>> Connected kids courses worldwide >>> Our 2nd Book – helping kids with special needs, autism and adhd >>> Tweet

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Getting Started – teach kids/teens meditation

My next video blog gives you some top tips on getting started! They are all based on my experience of teaching children and teens meditation. [youtube] Enjoy! Lorraine x Learn how to teach kids meditation (online course) Calm Kids book >>> Connected kids courses worldwide >>> Our 2nd Book – helping kids with special […]

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How to teach kids who don’t want to learn meditation!

Hi – this is my first, ever video blog!  I thought I would just give it a go (so feedback is welcome!) The blog has got 5 easy tips on how to help teach kids meditation and mindfulness – especially if they don’t want to learn! Enjoy! [hana-flv-player video=”” width=”400″ description=”” player=”5″ autoload=”true” autoplay=”false” loop=”false” […]

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Connecting the world – Australia and New Zealand…

  I’m not sure where to begin in this blog about my trip to New Zealand and Australia.  It was both a very healing and enlightening one for me. You see my first trip to Australia held some really difficult memories.  I went to Sydney 17 years ago, it was at a time in my […]

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Happy parents = Happy Kids? Attachment Parenting

I was delighted to be asked to speak at the Happy Parenting summit (online) that started this week. It’s 25 experts from around the world giving advice  about a more happy parenting experience and the affect on their kids.  (My piece on teaching meditation to kids is on Friday 9th August 2013 but it’s recorded so […]

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Mindful and Meditation Travel Tips for Kids

I was visiting a friend the other day who was travelling to Australia with their baby daughter and who was concerned (naturally) about the long flight from the UK and how she would cope.  This prompted me to share a few ideas that might help you if you are worried about travelling and how we […]

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how to talk so children will listen

This post was prompted by an experience I had recently.   I was walking my dog Jess past our local nursery.  As we approached, there were 3 kids who came running around the corner of the building (aged about 3 years old) and as they saw us in their excited state, they picked up a handful […]

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Calm Kids – ebook and online course coming soon!

I’ve just heard from our publishers that the Calm Kids book is coming out in e-format!  I’m so excited (having just bought a Kindle… it’s great! I simply order a book and it’s there!  No waiting on the post or anything!) First E-book… Our publishers (Floris Books) are based in Edinburgh (in the UK) and […]

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