Thank you for visiting the website – we have just launched it today!

The reason for having this blog and website is to share and learn information that links to teaching children meditation and mindfulness.  The hope is that this website becomes a
hub of ideas, tips and resources that you (the adult) will look through to help you do this.

As this is naturally a website set up by me and my personal and professional interest in the subject, I will mention my book and any courses I offer on the subject of teaching children meditation.  However I’ll also share any tips or ideas from readers or students we’ve taught too.

ADHD and Autism

I have long felt that meditation and an awareness of energy would go a long way to helping children with ADHD or autism and their families and schools.  I’ve explored this in my book but again if I come across any useful info that could demonstrate a link or tips worth trying, then I’ll mention them here.

Resources for the Adults

Although the emphasis is on ideas for adults to use with kids, we can’t forget the adults! Here I’ll post ideas and suggestions for you to try (for your own inner peace/mind!) as I strongly believe that our energy affects children so the more calm we can be…

Resources for Siblings

This applies probably more to siblings with brother or sister who are ADHD/Autistic.  I’ve witnessed the struggle that some kids experience as the sibling when they have to cope with the usual angst of growing up coupled with awareness of how their home life is different.  Anything I find that would be helpful – i’ll post it here.


Anything else I can think of.  By all means drop me an email with suggestions about books/cds or resources you have tried in order to help your kids.  (If you are someone with a product that you would like reviewed, let me know by email and we’ll ask you to send us a sample).

Here’s to an exciting new journey together!

_/\_ Namaste



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