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how to talk so children will listen
This post was prompted by an experience I had recently. I was walking my dog Jess past our local nursery. As we approached, there were 3 kids who came running around the corner of the building (aged about 3 years old) and as they saw us in their excited state, they picked up a handful […]
continue readingCalm Kids 2 – Research Case Studies – Children with Special Needs – Autism – ADD – ADHD
I am planning a 2nd book which will focus on teaching meditation to children with special needs and or who have been diagnosed with ADD, ADHD or Autism. If you would like to take part in the research (there are a limited number of places) Please complete the form below. The information from the case […]
continue readingDeveloping Children – autism and aspergers
I just watched a fascinating programme on TV about how our brains develop as children and the potential link with autism. Many of the issues they mention, such as sensory overload issues, are exactly what I have been talking and writing about for years and I am delighted that this subject is being recognised, discussed […]
continue readingsinging bowls and mindfulness for children – inspired by Thich Nhat Hahn
In a previous post, I mentioned my retreat experience with the wonderful Thich Nhat Hahn. One of the mindfulness practices that struck a chord with me was ‘inviting the bell to sing’. This is my interpretation of what this means and how you can teach children to practise using this to help aid their meditation. […]
continue readingHow many autistic traits do you have?
I have always been interested in autism – fascinated really on their perspective and experience of the world and how it may differ to mine. However as I research a little deeper into this subject I find that there is a myriad of answers to the question – how do you know if a child […]
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