Can meditation work for kids on the Autistic Spectrum?

One of the aspects of our programme that we are most proud of, is the skill adults develop so they can help Autistic children and teens reduce stress with mindful activities.

We created this approach to teaching meditation nearly 20 years ago (when no-one else believed it could be done).

What children on the spectrum taught us was to move beyond our limitations of what we think meditation is.  These young people taught us that if we were to teach them mindful skills, we had to meet them where they were.

They taught us to let go of our pre-conceived ideas of what children with SEN could/couldn’t do.

They helped us release a creative, imaginative approach to teaching meditation that has been incorporated extensively into the Connected Kids programme to ensure we have a child-centred approach to the training programme.

As a result, our Connected Kids Tutors often share their wonder and awe at how these young people respond.

“Had a lovely session with one of my students with ASD today. This is my 3rd session with him and it’s been tough to get him on board as he felt he didn’t need help to relax and that it was a waste of his time!’ Today he spent over an hour completely absorbed in creating a Mandala from natural objects. Wow just wow!!! Love my job ”

Louise, Connected Kids tutor-in-training

Manada created by a boy with ASD

How you can start to teach autistic kids meditation

Option 1 is to take the Professional Connected Kids Training which will give you all the skills, ideas and toolkit you need to teach meditation to children with SEN, autism and ADHD.  This is an accredited and certified course which will offer 30 CEs (CPD points) for professionals in education and mental health.

Option 2 is to complete the Foundation Connected Kids course and then read our 2nd book ‘Connected Kids’.  This will give you the basics, an excellent reference of ideas, a certificate of completion and 5 CEs (CPD points) for professionals in education and mental health.

Discover the Connected Kids programme…

coloured print hand - connected kids - teach kids meditation and mindfulness


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