Clarity I Confidence I Contentment

Over 20 years ago, I started the journey that created Connected Kids.

At times I triumphed and at other times it felt like I was going nowhere.  So when it comes to running a therapeutic, holistic business – I have been there and I understand the challenges (and how to overcome them).

Or perhaps it’s not about work, it’s about you and you are looking for some guidance to help you reclaim your balance with life.

This is why I offer 121 coaching to help you feel aligned with work, play and life!

Align your energy to a positive future

The online coaching sessions will help you move forward on your path… in practical steps that align with your energy.  Share my expertise as I offer you practical business knowledge to support your aspirations alongside my intuitive guidance to help you align your energy to your goals.

Or if your intention is more personal, we’ll focus on you and your needs.  The coaching will focus on healing and aligning your energy to a positive outcome.

guidance and clarity
practical and effective
healing and restorative

Connect with Lorraine

What does a session look like?

  • There will be a short set of questions to prep you for the session.
  • You’ll join a 60 minutes online session where we’ll set out a clear plan and align that with your energy
  • You’ll have the option to have the session recorded and will receive the audio post-session.

An online session starts at $149.  During this, we’ll focus on what matters to you and how you move forward, clearing the mindset blocks towards your success.

Ready to feel aligned?

“Lorraine was amazing in the way she conducted the session, always very gentle and using some meditations and also the EFT technique that really worked wonders and touched deeply in my real reasons to feel so much fear…. It was very releasing and important in order for me to be able to accept and work with my fears and anxiety and be able to accept and release them.”
“Following the session  the negative dialogue in my head is now challenged by a reassuring, positive voice that has woken up!! Now, if a negative thought pops up, I hear, ‘but you will be great, you can make a difference, just keep it simple and at least give it a chance’.   It is still surprising me every time it happens.”
“I have much gratitude for our time yesterday.  The meditation was beautiful, much needed, and I am literally still feeling the activations and integrations.  I can honestly say, that was the first that I experienced a heart centered connection with another practitioner. I am sure you know, one can’t energetically fake their intent. Purity and humbleness from the soul is felt when present. Confirming why I was so drawn to your course. Thank you for your work!”



Connect with Lorraine


“The session was so powerful and has really helped me.  After I have felt much more peaceful.”

WOW! This is really fantastic, thank you so much, it really helps anchor in the knowing to another level. I deeply appreciate all of it, the session, your intuition, energy and guidance

I found the session to be very valuable. I liked the way the session was focused on 3 aspects and we had to think through exactly what we needed guidance with prior to the session.  I hope you can offer these sessions to others as your insight and experience is a massive support in our work”

Connect with Lorraine

“It was really helpful to connect with you! And I felt my energy shifted in a positive way and I got several very useful tips!”

I’ve practiced the exercises and meditations that Lorraine suggested in order to face my fears work with them and release what no more serve me or was holding me back. I have to say that I feel so much lighter and my fears are being transformed into little friends that will help me and support me along the way.”

I have to say that I felt so supported with so much care love and profound knowledge that I completely forgot I was in an online session.”