I have a background in early years and primary teaching and began my own meditation journey over 8 years ago. At the end of 2011, I was made redundant from a job that I loved.
I worked with children and families within the children centre services at Stoke on Trent. This was a difficult time for me where I experienced periods of deep anxiety around who I was and my role within the world. I felt a sense of loss and identity. I booked myself onto a two day learn to meditate retreat at the Tara Centre near Derby and began what was to become a transformational journey.
I had previously completed the foundation online course with Connected kids and followed this up with completing the professional course in November 2014. Since then I have been working on developing my practice with children and families, delivering 1:1 sessions and family workshops.
This work has since developed into the creation of Early Nurture in Mind. A mindfulness-based programme aimed at young children, their families an early year’s professionals.
I spent a year working alongside Living Mindfully UK to undertake my MBSR Teacher Training and in September 2019, I attended the Connected Kids Professional Tutor Training. This return to working with Lorraine was a pivotal moment in my teaching as I have returned to the essence of meditation delivery and reconnected with my heart centre.
With a growing interest in scientific research into the effectiveness of mindfulness and meditation, I combine my knowledge of early years, personal meditation practice and teaching as an advocate for these skills to become a mainstream part of parenting and early years teaching as a preventative tool to support healthy minds and emotions and to support regulation in both adults and children.
I also currently lecture part time on the Early Years Degree at CU Coventry, and I have just begun my Doctoral Studies with a focus on ‘How meditation shapes parenting with 2-3-year olds.’
I am also a Connected Kids Trainer – offering the foundation and professional course (online or in person).
Email Address nurtureinmind@gmail.com
Website https://nurtureinmind.co.uk/
Telephone Number 07813879623
City Staffordshire / Stoke -on - Trent
Country United Kingdom
Postcode / Zipcode ST14 7JY