
Creative Mindfulness Ideas

Original price was: £79.00.Current price is: £49.00.

  • create a toolbox of mindfulness activities for kids and teens




8 in stock


These creative mindfulness ideas for kids and teens offer easy steps to craft a starter toolkit to teach your children and teens meditation.

The toolkit contains a curated collection of ideas that help young people learn meditation.

Self-study modules with 6 months access to follow these easy-to-use guidelines. The toolkit offers you a simple way to start the mindfulness journey with young people.

Created by experts who (for 20 years) have been teaching meditation to young people.

The toolkit is crafted by the founder of Connected Kids.  With 20+ years of teaching children meditation she provides a quick start option for parents, carers or educators.  Tips  from 3 of her best-selling books about creative mindfulness ideas for children and teens.