Online resources – Professional

A key benefit of taking the connected kids course is the lifetime access to online resources to support professional meditation teachers like you!

Within these resources you’ll find useful information and support to help you teach meditation professionally:

If you’ve forgotten your log in, it would be your email address (at time of purchase) and the password you set or it will be the word ‘peace’.  If you click on the login button, you can set a new password.

Members login

Online Community

Don’t forget… to join our exclusive online community (on Facebook) has Connected Kids members from around the world. It’s a friendly community of like-minded people who share ideas and tips.  Or it’s a great place to ask questions from other students or the Connected Kids trainers.

Join Us!

Online classroom to certification

If you purchased the online professional course (modules and live, online class) you have 12 months from purchase to book in for the live, online certification class.  After the class, you have a further 12 months to complete your assessment for certification.

Refresh Skills or Extensions

If you need to extend your time to submit your assessment or want to refresh your skills.  Pre-requisites apply.

12-month extension

6-month extension

Member Offers

Connected Kids Meditations

Discounted for members – listen to the connected Kids founder, Lorraine Murray, share meditations, podcasts and exclusive materials.

Find out more

Join the Connected Kids Register!

Once you have qualified, you can become listed on our exclusive tutor register and promote your teaching business.

Join now!

Individual Support

In addition to the online community, you can book individual online support with Lorraine E Murray.  You have a choice of Intuitive Guidance Sessions or distance alignment healing to balance your energy.

Member Masterclass

Mindful Trauma Energy Awareness Masterclass – to advance your skills in working with trauma.